Our software engineering experts thrive on solving the most challenging technical problems to drive value for your business. With a strong software engineering reputation in New Zealand, we tackle the challenges others can't.

Talk to our team
man and woman working on laptop

Big ideas? We’ll give you the freedom to innovate

  • Our software engineers help you to invent, design, build and test complex systems that meet functional objectives and practical, regulatory and safety requirements.
  • We’re not constrained by ‘the way it’s always been done’. Instead, we focus on what you want your software to do and use open source software solutions to create infinite possibilities.
  • With our advanced experience across all levels of the tech stack and a range of technologies and frameworks, we’re your ultimate software problem solvers.
  • By systematically applying modern engineering processes, our team creates a clear path to success while safeguarding your investment.
  • Whether you’re integrating and optimising your tech stack or realising a ground-breaking software concept, we’re a proven and trusted team for seamless solutions.

Complex software engineering is where we excel

For over 25 years, our software engineers have helped government, enterprise and non-profits create future-proofed and bespoke software solutions, and we’re ready to do the same for you. Our trusted, knowledgeable and determined team will turn your vision into reality - no matter the scale or complexity.

Person climbing to the top of a ladder to a world of possibilities

We dare you to dream bigger

  • Custom software development: Your strategy and goals aren’t cookie-cut, so your software shouldn’t be either. We’ll help you create the right software solution that drives the right business results.

  • Trusted expertise: We’re responsible for some of New Zealand's most extensive, indispensable and innovative IT software solutions, so you can be assured your project is in safe hands.

  • Solutions experts: Hard technical problems or need to fix legacy software that’s draining your progress? This is our bread and butter. We make effective software for powerful results.

  • Collaborative developmentTransparency and openness are key in our software development practices. We’ll consult with you at every stage so the end solution meets your exact needs. 

Talk to us about software development

Software engineering for secure, scalable, impact focused solutions

Our deep industry expertise is already at the core of key and ground-breaking, open source software development and infrastructure in Aotearoa. You can trust your software project is supported by some of the best software developers in NZ working to the highest software development standards and modern engineering principles. 

Our software development quality and security assurance services

  • Automated testing: We employ automation testing and test-driven development techniques to ensure the highest quality product.

  • Code review: Our rigorous code review process guarantees that your software meets the highest standards.

  • Security consciousness: We prioritise security in every aspect of software development, ensuring your applications are resilient against threats.

  • Database optimisation: Our in-house experts can optimise database performance to maximise the efficiency of your applications.

  • Cloud native and hosting solutions: Whether you are keen to host on-premise, need a secure and fully-managed solution, or have data sovereignty on your agenda, we have experts and solutions to match.

Start using software that drives real results

If you’re looking to tackle complex engineering challenges or develop outstanding software solutions, we've got you covered.

Contact our software developers