Not currently scheduled



One day, 9:30am - 4:30pm

This workshop has ended. If you would like to discuss similar upcoming workshops, please contact us.

  • The benefits of docker
  • How does docker differ from virtualisation technologies?
  • Understanding the components
  • Dockerising applications
  • Working with containers
  • Get started with images
  • Linking containers together
  • Managing data in containers
  • Using Registries and Docker Hub
  • Diff, union file systems and layering
  • Microservice architecture
  • Use cases
  • The Docker ecosystem
  • Security
  • Kubernetes and docker compose demo

Note: These are the topics normally covered but might alter slightly depending on the needs of the trainees.

Is this course for me?

Target audience

Programmers, development teams and operations engineers who want to know about Docker, where and when it can be used.


This course assumes no prior Docker knowledge.